Friday, February 12, 2010


I love playing baseball because it’s fun and you need to be able to throw a baseball and you need to be able the catch a ball. You need to be able to play the different positions that the coach might put you as. Baseball is a fun game and you need to be able to hit the ball because if you don’t then you will get struck out and your team would very mad at you and you wouldn’t be able to do many things with your team. I love baseball because each year I play and I get better and better at the game and I can hit the ball father and father each year.

I also love playing football because you need to know the plays and how to throw a ball and how to receive the ball from other people who are throwing it to you. You need to know the plays that are going on and you need to know where the ball will be going. I love playing football with my friends and I love playing tackle football because you get dirty from the grass and from the dirt. I play football with my friends sometimes in the winter and sometimes we will play in the fall. Football is a fun game to play with family and friends it helps you get closer to your family and friends.

I love to hangout with my friends because we usually go to the mall and chill there and go look at the clothes at American eagle and in aeropostale and we try the clothes on and then put them back so we know what to get when we have money to buy clothes. We usually try on shirts and pants and some shorts if they have them out when we are there. I like hanging out with my friends because we can talk about things that I can’t usually talk about with my family. I like being able to talk to my friends about things that my parents don’t want to hear about and I talk to them when I need to talk to someone.

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