Friday, November 6, 2009

trevers 8th blog

My favorite Halloween costume is the puppet from the saw. Because during the saw he’s talking to the people through a TV but he’s only a puppet so you know some ones controlling him but you can’t see the person. I think he’s pretty awesome because his mouth goes up and down but the rest of his face stays still. The guy has no eyes they are red but they have like spots where the eyes would be. During the movie the puppets head turns slowly and then he looks at the person and tells them how it going to happen.

On the puppets face he has swirls on his cheeks and his eyes are red and black in the middle. On his face he has lines where his chin and lines for his mouth to go up and down when the guy is talking. So the puppet is my favorite costume because he’s just a really sweet character in all of the saw movies and he’s always there before one of the people die. Then after the die the puppet pops on the screen and he starts laughing. When the police get there they get the tape out and the next people to watch it they die next.

The Saw movies are my favorite movies because you never know how the next person will get killed. He pops up on the TV screen in front of them and tells them the only way they can get out is if they do something. The ways they get out will kill them before they get out because he won’t let them leave. Like this one the guy welded the door shut when the guy who was dyeing was in there and then he put a bomb in there. The puppet is my favorite because he always shows up when people are expecting it and he stays there for like 5 minutes and then the TV goes all fuzzy and then it turns off.

The puppet is a really cool costume because you really look like the puppet from the movie and the puppet is always around he always shows up before someone’s about to die. He only shows up when something bad is about to happen and he tells them the only way they can get out is if they hurt themselves. He shows up when they are going to get killed and he tells them how they will get killed.

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